Inspirational Talks
Laszlo is an accomplished speaker and has presented at numerous conferences and seminars. A partial list of events includes:
Innovation Essentials (Business Link, Leeds), Creating Enduring Value (Greener by Design, San Francisco), Cradle to Cradle Approach to Innovation and Design (Sustainable Brands, Miami), Harnessing Innovation (The Work Foundation, London), Championing Innovation: A Case Study in Global IT Innovation Leadership (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark), Secrets of Silicon Valley: Insights into the World's Most Innovative Eco-System (Global Chamber San Francisco, Fremont), Creating a Culture of Innovation (Innovation Congress, Manilla), Perfecting and Pitching Your Brilliant Ideas (The Basement, San Diego), Innovation Advantage (Workday’s Velocity Conference, Dublin), Making Innovation Inevitable (CHAIN’s Harmony Conference, Santa Clara), How Teams Innovate for Change (Amazon's Talent Acquisition Day, EMEA).
Audiences appreciate his energy and insights. Laszlo consistently receives evaluations such as those given by attendees at his talk on The Role of HR in Tapping Organizational Creativity and Genius at the NCHRA Conference in San Francisco:
"Absolutely fabulous! Best learning I've had in a long time."
"Very useful, solutions oriented, clear road-map. Great co-star model."
"Very knowledgeable, good examples."
"Totally engrossing and energized."
"Very engaging, credible, clearly thoughtful."
"This was a great session. Very timely for my organization."